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Date: 2021-10-22  
Author: movie-fan  
Subject: re: Another one of many from bankcollector!

Yes, stamping 300 notes a day is a very tedious job after having to enter them all. I (almost) always stamp my notes. I have burnt thru many a stamp pad. Some stamps may be ‘smudged’ as when using a brand new stamp pad, the stamp becomes very slippery. Not done intentionally, but it happens. But, after a little use, it returns to normal.
My 2 banks that I use are TD & Scotiabank (with no problems ever encountered).
Recently i stopped using RBC (who was my #1 source of getting new bills) as a “female manager” decided that they were no longer gonna accept ANY stamped notes. I always by my lower denomination notes with 100’s & 50’s (that Yes, I have stamped). I tried to explain to her about the website and the ‘legalities’ but she was adamant about being very closed minded on the subject. I was so Pi$$ed with her at the time that i closed all my accounts with RBC (been with then for almost 30 yrs and had many accounts). Bold move on my part, but i truly know that she and RBC could care less about losing 1 customer. But as i said, I was very Pi$$ed at the time
Well, let’s just say that the other bank was more than happy to welcome me with open arms and take all my accounts. So, now I am “blackballed” with RBC.
Oh well, sucks to be me!!!
Its really a shame as after returning to Canada and starting up again, i have acquired new customers who appreciate my services. I have also been vert successful in reestablishing some of my older customers. Unfortunately, 2 have gone out of business (thanks covid 🤬)

In closing, I must say that there is the odd note that slips through the cracks when it comes time to stamping. Who knows, I may become like BANKCOLLECTOR and just put out stealth notes in the future 😉😄😂


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