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Date: 2021-10-22  
Subject: re: Another one of many from bankcollector!

NOW HOLD ON THERE BUCKAROO! I never said I do not stamp any bills. Other than Movie-fan (yes you!) I stamp more bills in a year than any other tracker on this site. If I only stamped 25% of my bills on an average week that would be over 250 stamped bills. I would think my average stamping is closer to 60% or 600 bills on average per week (more than most trackers stamp in a year). Now onto your other problems, The Stazon stamp pads, as they dry out a cap full of Isopropyl 99% dripped on the pad will add new lift to the pad. Also you can buy stazon ink in a bottle to apply to the pad. I used to run through pads like crazy and then started to experiment on them to find a cheaper way. Too much ink on a bill ? Use a damp tissue (Isopropyl) and stamp will wipe off the bill, let the bill dry and stamp again. Happy Tracking Please Keep Safe.


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Subject Author Date *
re: A hit for MKADOLLARPooga2022-01-03
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re: Hit for LilybearBANKCOLLECTOR2021-12-29
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Another hit for BANKCOLLECTOR [X]movie-fan2021-12-13
Hit for dogman [X]movie-fan2021-12-13
re: Cheap(er) StazOnBANKCOLLECTOR2021-11-30
re: Cheap(er) StazOnBuizel102021-11-29
re: Cheap(er) StazOnBANKCOLLECTOR2021-11-29
re: Cheap(er) StazOnBuizel102021-11-29
Cheap(er) StazOn [X]Buizel102021-11-29
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re: 2 hits ($5 notes) for BANKCOLLECTORBANKCOLLECTOR2021-11-20
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re: 2 hits ($5 notes) for BANKCOLLECTORmovie-fan2021-11-20
re: 2 hits ($5 notes) for BANKCOLLECTORBANKCOLLECTOR2021-11-20
Another one for Bankcollector [X]Buizel102021-11-19
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