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Date: 2021-10-25  
Author: Cityscape  
Subject: re: Hit for CityScape

I am coming up on my 13th year on CMT in a few months.

In the first six years I entered about 10,000 bills 96% stamped, and got 315 hits.
In the last 7 years I entered a little over a few thousand more bills only about 2% stamped, and only got 11 hits.

This "New Path" is partly because of the new plastic bills are a pain to mark, and also because of burn-out, and the fun kinda just died down for me.
Rather than just totally packing it in, I just enter a stealth bill most days, play the monthly hit contests, and keep in touch by reading the messages...


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Subject Author Date *
re: A hit for MKADOLLARPooga2022-01-03
A hit for MKADOLLAR [X]movie-fan2022-01-03
re: Hit for LilybearBANKCOLLECTOR2021-12-29
Hit for Lilybear [X]Buizel102021-12-29
Hit for Pandemic2020 [X]movie-fan2021-12-23
Hit for Hero79 [X]movie-fan2021-12-23
A hit for justinbanks [X]movie-fan2021-12-23
Another hit for BANKCOLLECTOR [X]movie-fan2021-12-13
Hit for dogman [X]movie-fan2021-12-13
re: Cheap(er) StazOnBANKCOLLECTOR2021-11-30
re: Cheap(er) StazOnBuizel102021-11-29
re: Cheap(er) StazOnBANKCOLLECTOR2021-11-29
re: Cheap(er) StazOnBuizel102021-11-29
Cheap(er) StazOn [X]Buizel102021-11-29
Hit for terrier! [X]Buizel102021-11-26
re: 2 hits ($5 notes) for BANKCOLLECTORBANKCOLLECTOR2021-11-20
ORPHAN --- a missed hit [X]movie-fan2021-11-20
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re: 2 hits ($5 notes) for BANKCOLLECTORmovie-fan2021-11-20
re: 2 hits ($5 notes) for BANKCOLLECTORBANKCOLLECTOR2021-11-20
Another one for Bankcollector [X]Buizel102021-11-19
2 hits ($5 notes) for BANKCOLLECTOR [X]movie-fan2021-11-19
HIT for seal hunter [X]movie-fan2021-11-11
Hit for Scorpio [X]movie-fan2021-11-07
Hit for Papajone27boyz [X]movie-fan2021-11-05

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