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Date: 2022-08-02  
Subject: re: This is posted here because it is about Saskatchewan hits...

Thank you for the hit and stamping of my stealth bill.
Now it seems a thing on site, in the forums to point out stealth hits.
I have more than once admitted that I do not stamp all the bills I enter, I would say I stamp about 10% of all my entries. That said I find it very time consuming to stamp more than 300 bills a week. Call me lazy if you wish, but frankly I can not be bothered to stamp more.

MOVIE FAN : On site 16 yrs = 29,906 bills per year 82 bills per day

BANKCOLLECTOR : On site 19yrs = 34,195 bills yr. 94 bills per day
est. 10 % are stamped = 9 stamped bills per day.

BDK On site 21 yrs = 2,623 bills per year 7 bills per day

I would say I stamp more bills per year than any other member with the exception of Movie Fan who likely has far more stealth bills then he will admit to.

Heck you cannot enter such high number per week and expect to stamp them all.

So now a Vote do you want me to enter my limit daily or 10 bills per day which will all be stamped?

[ message was edited on: 2022/08/02 ]


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     re: SaskatchewanBDKINGSTON2024-02-16
     re: SaskatchewanAntichess2024-02-22
     re: SaskatchewanBDKINGSTON2024-02-22
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     re: VacationBDKINGSTON2024-02-04
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     re: away iiBANKCOLLECTOR2023-05-30
     re: Away IIPooga2023-06-01
     re: Away IIBANKCOLLECTOR2023-06-01
     re: Away IIPooga2023-06-05
     re: Away IIBANKCOLLECTOR2023-06-06
     re: Away IIPooga2023-06-06
     re: Away IIPooga2023-06-07
     re: Away IIBANKCOLLECTOR2023-06-08
     re: Away IIPooga2023-06-13
     re: Away IIBDKINGSTON2023-06-13
     re: away iiBANKCOLLECTOR2023-06-13
     re: away iimovie-fan2023-06-15
Away [X]Pooga2023-05-12
     re: AwayBANKCOLLECTOR2023-05-13
     re: AwayPooga2023-05-13

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