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The database contains 3,874,333 notes totalling $ 50,575,133.

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Top Cities (by # entered)
 CityBills Entered
121.   Williams Lake, BC 1,143
122.   Langley, BC 1,142
123.   Brantford, ON 1,130
124.   Chaplin, SK 1,102
125.   Delta, BC 1,101
126.   Belleville, ON 1,037
127.   Trois-Rivieres, QC 1,020
128.   Gloucester, ON 1,007
129.   Jasper, AB 938
130.   Canmore, AB 878
131.   Eastern Passage, NS 873
132.   Lethbridge, AB 861
133.   Leamington, ON 842
134.   Hunter River, PE 818
135.   Wadena, SK 787
136.   Mission, BC 781
137.   Steinbach, MB 773
138.   Stratford, ON 770
139.   Whistler, BC 769
140.   Newmarket, ON 765

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The database contains 3,874,333 notes totalling $ 50,575,133.

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